MySQL beginner

0. MySQL install and access

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client

# security setting
$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

$ mysql -u root -p

1. select * from

$ show databases;
$ use world;
$ select database();

$ show tables;

$ desc city;
$ desc country;

$ select * from country;

2. where

avg(population) as population, avg(gnp) as gnp, avg(gnp) / avg(population) * 1000 as avg
from country
where gnp != 0 and population != 0;

3. where / order by

avg(population) as population, avg(gnp) as gnp, avg(gnp) / avg(population) * 1000 as avg
from country
where gnp != 0 and population != 0
order by avg desc;

4. where / order by / group by

continent, avg(population) as population, avg(gnp) as gnp, avg(gnp) / avg(population) * 1000 as avg
from country
where gnp != 0 and population != 0
group by continent
order by avg desc;

5. where / order by / group by / having

continent, avg(population) as population, avg(gnp) as gnp, avg(gnp) / avg(population) * 1000 as avg
from country
where gnp != 0 and population != 0
group by continent
having avg > 0.01
order by avg desc;

6. where / order by / group by / limit / having

continent, avg(population) as population, avg(gnp) as gnp, avg(gnp) / avg(population) * 1000 as avg
from country
where gnp != 0 and population != 0
group by continent
having avg > 0.01
order by avg desc
limit 5;


MySQL - 생활코딩

DATABASE2 - MySQL - 생활코딩

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